
Black Stewart Tartan Homespun Wool Blend Fabric By the Yard

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.99.

  • Great for making your own creations.
  • Material: Acrylic.
  • Unit of Sale: Per Yard.
  • Fabric Weight: Medium Weight.
  • Dimensions: 100cm x 138cm (39″ x 54″).
  • Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item.
SKU: TFPY04 Categories: ,


Indulge your creativity with our versatile tartan plaids uniform apparel fabric, available in a wide range of clans to suit your preferences. Crafted from premium quality acrylic material, this fabric offers unbeatable value for its price. Its versatility makes it perfect for a variety of clothing and household items such as traditional kilts, utility kilts, hybrid kilts, ladies’ skirts, argyle vests, fly plaids, sashes, neck ties, bow ties, flashers, school uniforms, apparel, blankets, clothes in general, aprons, pillow casings, cushions, and more. Don’t miss out on this exceptional fabric that you won’t find anywhere else.
SUITABLE For: Sewing, Knitting, Crafting, Sleep Wear, Accessories – Bags / Purses, Accessories – Gloves / Mittens, Accessories – Hats, Apparel – Blazer / Suits, Apparel – Coat / Jacket, Apparel – Dance / Sportswear, Apparel – Dress, Apparel – Everyday Clothing, Apparel – Loungewear, Apparel.
BUY MORE – SAVE MORE: Orders over 1 yard will be shipped as one whole complete section. Example, if you purchase 2 yards it will ship as one continuous piece.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Clan Tartans

Anderson Tartan, Armstrong Modern, Armstrong Tartan, Black Stewart Tartan, Black Watch Tartan, Black Watch Weathered, Blue Douglas Tartan, Bonnie Banks Tartan, Brown Watch Tartan, Buchanan Ancient Tartan, Buchanan Hunting Modern, Buchanan Modern Tartan, Buchanan Muted Tartan, Cameron Tartan, Campbell Ancient, Campbell of Cawdor Tartan, Campbell Thompson, County Carry Tartan, Crawford Tartan, Devis of Wails Tartan, Dress Gordon Tartan, Dress Stewart Tartan, Elliot Modern Tartan, Fraser Tartan, Fraser Weathered Tartan, Gordon Tartan, Gorman Blue Tartan, Granite Tartan, Grant Ancient Tartan, Grant Hunting Ancient, Grant Tartan, Grey Watch Tartan, Gunn Ancient Tartan, Gunn Tartan, Hamilton Grey Tartan, Hamilton Red Tartan, Heritage of Ireland, Heritage of Scotland, Hunting Stewart Tartan, Irish Heritage Tartan, Isle of Skye Tartan, Johnston Modern, Johnstone Weather, Kerry Tartan, LGBTQ Pride Tartan, Loch Ness Tartan, Macay Ancient Tartan, MacDonald Dress, MacDonald Tartan, MacDuff Ancient, MacGill Tartan, MacGregor Rob Roy, MacGregor Tartan, Mackay Ancient, Mackenzie Tartan, Mackenzie Weathered, MacLean Tartan, Macleod of Harris, Macleod of Lewis, Masonic Tartan, Muir / Moore Tartan, Murray of Athol Modern, Pride of Scotland, Ramsey Blue Hunting, Ramsey Blue Tartan, Ramsey Red Tartan, Red, Black Rob Roy, Rose Ancient Tartan, Ross Hunting Modern, Royal Stewart Modern, Royal Stewart Tartan, Saffron Tartan, Scott Hunting Modern, Scottish National Tartan, Scottish Rose Tartan, Solid Black Tartan, Solid Green Tartan, Spirit of Bruce Tartan, Spirit of Scotland, St. Patrick Tartan, Tara Murphy Tartan, Tennessee Tartan, Thompson Gray Tartan, Ulster Red Tartan, US Army Tartan, US Marine Corps Tartan, US Navy Tartan, Wallace Hunting Tartan, Wallace Tartan, White, Black Rob Roy, Willson Modern Tartan


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